

Ways to contribute and donate

List of available donation methods

In the following, we show you the available ways to contribute to the campaigns of the Sahem organization and to deliver assistance to those in need within the various activities.

  • PayPal
  • Creadit cards
  • Bank transfer


You can contribute directly through the site by paying through your Paypal account.

Through donation forms by selecting the PayPal donation method and completing the payment process.

Go to the contribution page via click here.

Creadit cards

  • The site also offers the possibility of direct payment via a credit card or even a visa card directly via the site via donation forms on the contribution page via Click here.

Bank Transfer

  • You can donate from your own account via regular bank transfers.Account name: Sahem e.V

IBAN DE73 4306 0967 1317 2952 00

  • Please write the organization you wish to donate to in the field provided during the donation.


We note that all your data and bank transfers for the benefit of the association are completely protected, and it is forbidden to be seen by any party except for the financial officer in the event that you request a donation certificate to recover the tax part of your contribution for the benefit of the association.